Qigong (often spelt Chi Kung) is a healing exercise that has been practised for centuries by people in China.
The movements work through all the major muscle groups and joints, while also having a positive effect on the Chi or life force in the body. According to the teachings of Qigong when the life force is flowing freely in the body, it has a positive effect on both our physical health and well being and also our state of mind.
Qigong is easy to learn and enjoyable to do. Even a few minutes of practice can have a relaxing and rejuvenating effect. A regular practice helps to strengthen and harmonise the whole body and its various systems. It is suitable for people of all ages to enjoy.
Some Qigong movements are very gentle, others more energetic. Some movements are large and expansive, others are more subtle. All are different and have a very specific effect on body and mind. Qigong can be enjoyed both inside and outdoors and is often practiced in nature, parks or on the beach.
With a little bit of regular practice, Qigong can have a powerful effect on mind, body and spirit. Regular practitioners claim it improves their health and well being, reduces levels of stress, and keeps them in a more positive state of mind.
Other benefits include
increases your flexibility
increases muscle tone and strength
improves your circulatory and cardio health
improves joint mobility
it is anti-rheumatic
helps you sleep better
increases energy levels
improves athletic performance
reduces injuries
detoxifies organs
improves your posture
relieves anxiety and depression
helps with chronic pain
releases endorphins that improves your mood
Qigong is a great practice which can help with the ups and downs of life. People who practice regularly give themselves this gift and all of the associated benefits.
Getting Started
We teach an introduction to the practice of Qigong on our relaxation weekend. Come and give it a go.